Without light, is there darkness? Without dark, is there light?

Photo #808: Deep DarknessLocation Taken: Near St. Louis, the Illinois shore of the Mississippi
Time Taken: November 2012

I wonder, what would be our primal fears if we weren’t so solidly reliant on our sense of sight?

The fear of the dark is a fairly common thing amongst us humans, after all. Take away our ability to see what’s nearby and we start quivering inside. Even someone like me, who lives a large amount of my life away from strong light sources, still fears the deepest darks.

But what if, say, our hearing was our strongest sense. Would we fear silence? Or if touch, anything that we could not reach?

And what of potential senses we do not have? If we could sense magnetic fields, read them as easily as we hear a bird calling, letting us know of any creature moving nearby, would we fear the sudden stillness in the field? And how would we treat those who were blind to the fields, would we consider them as impaired as we humans find those lacking sight?


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