Location Taken: Yellowstone National Park Time Taken: October 2012 Sometimes my brain gets stuck on the oddest thoughts. Why do so many languages have gendered words? English actually has fairly few, though we do lack a gender-neutral form for he/she … Continue reading
Monthly Archives: June 2014
Location Taken: Near St. Louis, the Illinois shore of the Mississippi Time Taken: November 2012 I wonder, what would be our primal fears if we weren’t so solidly reliant on our sense of sight? The fear of the dark is … Continue reading
Location Taken: Yellowstone Time Taken: October 2012 I do love how magnificently white this calcium carbonate is. Especially since it’s a fleeting thing. You see that darker stone in back? Same mineral, but with a touch of oxidization. As soon … Continue reading
Location Taken: Arcadia, Michigan Time Taken: January 2011 Have you ever seen or heard or watched anything that just filled you with peace? I’ve been watching an anime called Mushi-Shi lately. It’s… how to describe it… tales of Mushi, strange … Continue reading
Location Taken: Chicago, Illinois Time Taken: January 2008 Some days I really wish I wasn’t allergic to sunlight… There’s just something really sad about having trouble with the source of the energy that powers just about all life on this … Continue reading