Dreamscape of the Queen

Dream a dream, of lands unknown.Time Drawn: 2009

There is something freeing, and yet terrifying, about making these dreamscapes. I create them working directly in ink (ballpoint pen in this case), so any errors must stay, forever, imprinted upon the strange worlds that come forth.

They come from deep within me, the part of me that bubbles with possibility.

Tapping that realm is tiring. I do not make these often, and they take months to create. Not so much due to the time required to draw it, but from the time required to recover from connecting my sub-conscious directly to my pen.

And yet, I feel as though I should create another soon, despite the toll it claims from me.

I cannot comment on the content of this art. It is as it is, and those who view it must decide what it is to them.

Well, except for one thing: that waterfall was fun to draw.


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