Location Taken: Banff, Alberta
Time Taken: June 2010
There’s a special emotion, one that I’m not sure occurs exactly the same in other situations, that appears the day before something you’ve been looking forward to for a while.
It’s one part happiness. This long-awaited event is nearly here! Just a few more hours, another sunrise, and things will happen!
Then there’s the anxiety. Will it live up to expectations? Have I overhyped myself to such a degree that I can never be fully happy with what it will be, even if things go perfectly? Or will it fail spectacularly, leaving me wondering why I was ever excited.
There’s a dash of curiosity in there, as well. What exactly will happen? Until it happens, we don’t know, and that leads to an intrinsic mystery.
But, there’s also a childish frustration. Why has the event not arrived yet? Why is it taking so long? Why can’t I go out and do things NOW?!
Above all, though, is the sense of waiting. This may seem self-evident, and not quite a standard emotion, but it’s there. A part of you is on hold, keeping steady, trying to keep from going overboard on any of the other emotions, and keep on with your life in the meantime. It’s the foundation of the emotion, the sturdy board the rest are bubbling up on.
Of course, while this is going on, every other event or activity you do is weighed against the grand event in the future, and often found lacking, for future events are all about the benefits, while real ones show their flaws as well. This leads to a general dissatisfaction with life as it is.
All this, of course, is wholly related to the Guild Wars 2 patch that’s hitting tomorrow. They’re starting the second season of their Living Story, after a months-long break, and they’ve told us practically NOTHING. Only a few teasers, a few audio files, a few images, to tempt us! The air of mystery, it is thick! The anticipation, it is at a peak!