Location Taken: Banff National Park, Alberta
Time Taken: June 2010
Mmmm… Rubble. Nice rubble.
People really underrate rubble. Just think of all the nice things it does!
It, um, um, um…
Looks kinda interesting?
If it’s ground up small enough, it’s gravel. And gravel’s useful. We use it for all sorts of things, forming stable lower layers on paths and roads that still allow drainage to happen.
If it’s regular enough, well, that’s rock you don’t have to break. You can stack it up and make fences and walls and all sorts of lovely things out of it.
And it forms all sorts of interesting landforms! This rubble, for instance, was ground up and deposited here by a glacier. It’s known as a moraine. And this particular moraine is blocking the valley and forming a rather lovely lake.
Rubble. It’s interesting. Really! And the word itself is fun to say!
Rubble rubble rubble rubble!