Falling on the Rocks

Photo #833: Rocky FallsLocation Taken: Western Ontario
Time Taken: June 2010

The best waterfalls are the hidden ones.

Sure, there’s something great about the big name falls, like Niagara, but you know what you’re getting into with those. You have a picture in your head already, and while the sounds, the area, the angles involved might all surprise you, the general look of the falls, not so much.

But the hidden ones? The ones you run into while traveling, when you decide to follow a sign saying “Waterfall, next right”? Or just stop somewhere for any reason at all, and happen to glance over to see a glimmer of white nearby? Those are downright magical.

Sure, they may not be as impressive as the big ones. I mean that literally, pretty much any waterfall above a certain size is famous. They’re kind of difficult to miss, after all. But the small ones have their own beauty. Like this one, which both has fabulous rocks around it and an interesting tiered look. There’s that long drop, enough for some of the water to become mist, then a small extra drop at the bottom. The cherry on top, if you will, something not necessary but makes the whole thing all the better.

Add in the way the falls and the rocks line up, and I’d happily take this over crowded Niagara any day.


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