A Tangle of Keys, in Charcoal

Time Drawn: November 2006

I don’t recall which class this was for. It’s been too long, and projects like “pick a random object and draw it” are rather common for art classes.

In this case, it was “pick a random object and draw it IN CHARCOAL!” So I did. My random object was my set of keys and all the other random objects I put on the keychain.

Oh, and the box of the charcoal sticks, which was of course missing one stick.

That’s actually a pendant watch there on the left. I’ve never cared for wristwatches (I have a thing about tight things around my wrists, ankles, and neck), so for many years I had to hunt up pendant watches for my use. And since I had a low budget, I shopped at places which put more of their tiny manufacturing budget into decoration rather than durability. I mean, if you want a dependable watch, you’d just get a wristwatch, right? So I had to replace it every few years.

Then along came cell phones and well, that was that for my pendant watches. Now I can just check the time on the cell phone easy as can be (assuming it’s not out of power, at least). I hear rumors that I’m not the only one ditching watches for cell phones. It does make sense, we do put them in places where it’s easy to pull them out, and why buy a watch when the object you bought for phone calls (ok, texting and apps) already tells you the time?

The rest of the key chain looks pretty similar to what’s on it now, though the car keys on my current chain are the plumper modern ones that unlock and lock the car from a distance and all that fancy schmancy stuff. And I’ve changed around the “decorative” pieces some. I don’t remember what happened to that carabiner in the forefront. I had it on there for years, but it’s not on my key chain now nor has it been for a while…


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