Location Taken: National Zoo, Washington DC Time Taken: March 2010 Do you know how challenging it can be to take good photos of zoo animals? Especially if you’re just a visitor to the zoo and not an official photographer who … Continue reading
Category Archives: Almost
Location Taken: Burtonsville, Maryland Time Taken: April 2011 I love heavy rain. And light rain, and rain in general, but heavy rain has a good strong presence to it that just draws me in. Which is why I keep taking … Continue reading
Location Taken: Chicago, Illinois Time Taken: January 2008 It’s really interesting to see snow falling from above. It looks a lot like fog, but the edges of things are even more white and blurry. Though why I’m telling you that … Continue reading
Location Taken: Truro, Nova Scotia Time Taken: July 2012 Have you ever heard of a tidal bore? You only find them in a few very specific places in the world, where the land around a bay or river just happens … Continue reading
Location Taken: Somewhere above, I dunno, North Carolina? Time Taken: October 2012 Isn’t this a lovely photo? Such a fantastic shot of a shoreline taken from above, with the sand and distant trees going to the horizon and the white … Continue reading