Time Drawn: May 2006 Ah, yet another piece of art from when I was first learning Photoshop. I tended to not put too much effort into the composition, perspective, proportions, and really many of the elements of what makes good … Continue reading
Category Archives: Artwork
Time Created: May 2006 Like many of my art pieces, this one was an experiment. I decided to use a reference image. And not just any reference. I took a screenshot of a nifty looking area in a game I … Continue reading
Time Created: June 2008 Six years ago, before I turned fully agnostic and was still attending my parent’s church, the church hit its 50th anniversary. And they held a contest to create the logo for such a special year. It … Continue reading
Time Created: October 2008 The brain does odd things when it’s overly tired. For instance, I keep staring at this image and swearing it has a deeper meaning, but when I try to actually articulate that meaning, it slips away. … Continue reading
Time Created: December 2006 Have you heard about pareidolia? It is, in many ways, an artists best friend. Our brains, as part of how we interpret the visual data our eyes give us, keep comparing any and all shapes we … Continue reading