Time Created: December 2006 Weeeeeeee colors! Ok, I just wrote a week’s worth of posts at once in preparation for Thanksgiving break (which at the time this will go live, I should be back from.) That includes several research-heavy ones. … Continue reading
Category Archives: Artwork
Time Drawn: October 2013 I finished the newest Pokemon game last week, and I’ve spent a noticeable time since then trying to figure out why it’s solidly my least favorite in the series. (In case you’re wondering, I picked up … Continue reading
Time Drawn: 2006 Throughout high school and college, I had a habit of drawing a self portrait every year. It was mainly because I wanted to see how my art was improving, but hey, what’s wrong with some healthy narcissism? … Continue reading
Location Taken: Baddeck, Nova Scotia Time Taken: July 2012 As I was standing around waiting for my mom to get through the line at the grocery deli, I randomly started looking at things and ended up watching the lobsters moving … Continue reading
Time Drawn: November 2006 Man, I had a great idea for a post today. I’d draw a quick picture of a taco, and then say: “Guess what I had for dinner?!” “Baby artichokes with ginger and cranberries with bison meat … Continue reading