Time Drawn: July 2013 There are some days you draw a pretty flower, or a cute puppy. And then there are days where you just have to draw an ornery teapot. In a beret, of course. It wouldn’t work without … Continue reading
Category Archives: Artwork
Time Drawn: June 2013 (Today!) Medium: Digital As I was falling asleep at, oh, 9 am this morning, my brain was wandering in its usual strange paths, and I was struck with the urge to draw an octopus. But it … Continue reading
Location Taken: Valparaiso, Indiana Time Taken: 2007 During college, I took a bunch of photography classes. Despite all the evidence to the contrary, it’s never been my favorite form of art, but it’s still one I enjoyed enough to keep … Continue reading
Time Taken: May 2013 This isn’t what I typically think of as my art. I mean, it’s a video game screenshot! But the video game is Minecraft, and the joy of the game is what you make of it. In … Continue reading
Time Drawn: June 2009 Has it really been nearly four years since I bought my Wacom Bamboo tablet? Even just glancing at that site I can see they’ve done some major redesigns since then. But my little tablet keeps going … Continue reading