Location Taken: Powder River Pass, Wyoming Time Taken: June 2010 I present to you, a flower. Enjoy! (Ok, so I may have been enjoying some super-chill downtempo music all day long and my brain’s just kinda all “Yay nature! Oooo … Continue reading
Category Archives: Close Up
Location Taken: Readfield, Wisconsin Time Taken: June 2012 Yup. Flowers. Yup. I feel like I should say something about how all those out-of-focus flowers with their long vertical streaks works really well for the composition, but nope. Not going to. … Continue reading
Location Taken: Banff, Alberta Time Taken: June 2010 Relevance to post: Minimal Every time I hear a prediction along the lines of “in 50 years, we’ll completely run out of X!!”, I just pause and think of aluminum. I doubt … Continue reading
Location Taken: Skihist Provincial Park, British Columbia Time Taken: June 2010 I am full of peaceful calm this week, so I think I shall give you another meditative piece today. You know the type, the ones I don’t talk about, … Continue reading
Location Taken: Hurricane Ridge, Olympic National Park, Washington Time Taken: June 2008 You know one of the ways you can distinguish a “Real Photographer” from someone just taking a photo. The regular person will be standing next to the horde … Continue reading