Perhaps I’m even-tempered because I’ve felt highly imbalanced before?

Photo #791: Morning TreesLocation Taken: Nebraska
Time Taken: November 2012

Have you ever heard of emotion chameleons?

It’s a fairly common thing amongst people with social anxiety issues. Basically, you shift your emotions and body language to match that of the people around you. This helps you blend in better, since people react better to those who are similar to themselves.

Fairly simple, really. We all do it to one extent or another. It’s part of how we learn how to communicate, after all, imitating others. But some people do it stronger than average, so they actually can notice when it happens, and many of those have trouble not doing it when they don’t want to.

This can lead to a few troublesome things, you see. If someone is irritated, or angry, or any of the negative emotional sets, well, you chameleon those as well. All of a sudden you’re irritated as well, purely because you’ve caught the emotion from someone else. And since you’re not actually irritated at any specific thing, it’s more awkward to get rid of.

To top it off, imagine what happens when two emotion chameleons get together, and one is running irritated. The other one picks up the emotion, and starts displaying all the signs of irritation themselves. However, the fact that the first one already has the emotion doesn’t stop them from chameleoning it. Our true emotions and the chameleoned ones are somewhat separate, after all. So now this poor unfortunate soul has a double dose of the emotions, which displays as a stronger form of irritation, which gets chameleoned again, and it just keeps cycling around. You can get into some rather nasty feedback loops that way, ending with two people being highly grumpy at each other for no good reason.

Luckily there’s a fairly easy way to cut the feedback loop: separate the people. Once they stop feeding off of the other one’s emotions, the false mimicry will fade away fairly well.

So I hope you don’t have to be stuck in a car for hours with two emotion chameleons. Road trips are already boring and irritating enough as it is.

Let’s just say there’s a reason why my parents got a larger car purely so that my sister and I didn’t have to sit right next to each other all the time.


I’m sure there’s a correlation between reading my blog and awesomeness!

Photo #790: Waiting GeyserLocation Taken: Old Faithful, Yellowstone
Time Taken: October 2012

Sheesh, I share one awesome site I find with you yesterday and now I go and find another one.

This one’s a lot simpler, at least. It’s just a bunch of graphs, showing strong correlations between things.

Completely unrelated things.

For instance, “Per capita consumption of cheese in the US” and “Number of people who died by becoming tangled in their bedsheets”? VERY CLOSE MATCH. If you saw two similar lines on a graph tracking, say, appearance of steam from a geyser and time of eruption, you’d not even think twice about them being related.

But these things aren’t, at least not directly. So then, why do they match so well?

Picking and choosing data, of course. If you look through hundreds of possible data sets to compare, some will have matching graph patterns purely by chance. It’s, well, inevitable. There’s no way that every single pattern would be different, especially if you play with the scales on the graph.

Just scroll through those and think about how much you trust other graphs people put out, ones that aren’t quite so clearly unrelated. Some of those may just be coincidences, after all…

And, as always, remember that correlation does not imply causation!

If it did, well, we’d never eat cheese again. Or at least never use bedsheets again.


There is no moment as precious as the first.

Photo #789: Precious FlowerLocation Taken: Columbia River Gorge, Oregon
Time Taken: June 2008

I got directed to a rather enjoyable site by a friend today. Well, series of sites, really.

As a group, it’s called “Mark Does Stuff”, with sites for “Mark Reads“, “Mark Watches“, and “Mark Plays“. It’s a delightful set of, hmm, how to put it… Basically, the fine gentleman who makes these, Mark Oshiro, reads/watches/plays through books/shows/games he has little-to-no foreknowledge of, often on video, and shares his reactions to these new experiences with his audience.

Really, it’s a marvelous way to see the joy that is discovering new things. Admittedly, I’ve only checked out the “Mark Reads” site, and only (so far) the first eight books in Tamora Pierce’s Tortall series. Which, mind you, is a series I have read through many a time, by one of my favorite authors. And Mark absolutely loves them, which makes seeing his reaction to something I already enjoy all that more special. I have no idea how he is with series he’s less fond of, but hey, he’s very good at showing you exactly what his initial responses are, and the marvelous emotional roller coaster rides books can take you on.

There’s just something really special about that first read-through, or first watch/play, I suppose. That uncertainty, that constant guessing where the story will go. And once you finish the story, find out the answers, it’s so difficult to regain that feeling. And yet, this site? These reviews? They do just that.

Give it a look. Perhaps you’ll find a series you love in there, and rediscover the precious joy of that first experience.

In the meantime, I’ve got a lot more of the Tortall reviews to finish reading through.


I Will Sleep Well Tonight, Once I Remember What Sleep Is…

Photo #788: Strange DreamsLocation Taken: Sea-Tac Airport, Washington
Time Taken: June 2008

Plus side: I got the job I interviewed for. Yay money! Yay experience in a field I actually want to delve into! No, I’m not going to tell you what it is!

Minus side: All the normal job interview anxiety, coupled with social phobia anxiety? NOT FUN. Also, tiring. I think I left my brain on the bus back.  Things keep looking… odd.  And thinking is… unfinished, a lot.

Neutral side: The bus system in this area is pretty good. Not as frequent as I’d like, but pretty good.


Calm, Peaceful, Wait did I remember- Yes, I did. Quiet. Serenity…

Photo #787: Quiet BeachLocation Taken: Ruby Beach, Olympic National Park, Washington
Time Taken: June 2008

Calm. Quiet. Peaceful.

Not anxious about anything. Not even job interviews. Not even the one tomorrow.

Serenity. Gentle thoughts. Let time pass by.

I should be fine, I’ve got everything ready, I’m set.

Wish my nerves would listen so I can get enough sleep.

Meditative. Stillness. Calm… No wait, I said that one already.  Darn it.