An Angel of Mercy. Or Maybe of Shiny Things.

Photo #786: Shining AngelTime Drawn: May 2006

Ah, yet another piece of art from when I was first learning Photoshop.

I tended to not put too much effort into the composition, perspective, proportions, and really many of the elements of what makes good artwork when I was making these pieces. I was much more interested in learning the tools.

For instance, in this piece I did some shading work, all made with selecting areas to color using a mouse, which I’m sure is a sentence to make a lot of digital artists twitch. I was also playing with the masking layers. Those are invisible black-and-white layers that attach to the normal layers of the artwork to adjust the opacity thereof. For instance, here I masked out the head on the layer containing the rays of light. But I didn’t mask out the wings, which are on the same layer as the head. This allowed a simple automatically generated radial pattern (aka the rays of light) to look as if it were behind the head but in front of the wings. I know, I know, artist jargon.

The last thing I played with here was a plug-in I’d found. Photoshop, especially back in the long-ago times when I made this art, was easily modifiable with small plug-ins that let you do all sorts of fun tricks. This particular one was a “Christmas Sparkles” plug-in, that made little glowing dots and star-like shapes in all sorts of colors.

I quickly started using it for star fields. I did a LOT of space-themed artwork during this time, largely thanks to this holiday-themed plug-in. I doubt the person who created it ever even considered that potential use.


Get your daily dose of Insanity here! Now with extra tentacles!

Photo #785: Flailing TentaclesLocation Taken: Seattle Aquarium
Time Taken: June 2008

You know what this world need more of?


But only the <a href=””>happy</a> kind.  And the weird kind.  Not the dangerous kind.  Or the sad kind.

Who ever knew there were so many flavors of insanity?

I think this one tastes like, hmmm, let’s go with strawberry mochi.


Dynamic (noun): Always changing, always moving.

Photo #784: Dynamic MountainsLocation Taken: Olympic National Park, Washington
Time Taken: June 2008

Lighting! Properly dynamic lighting is wonderful, isn’t it?!?

Just look at the way the sparse clouds are creating patches of shadow across these mountains. It makes the bright sunlight show to its fullest glory.

If the clouds weren’t there, if the sun shone with full force, the whole mountain face would be around the same color, just a big blob of green. Likewise, if it was cloudy, it would fade into a dull shape. It’s only with the combination of the sun and clouds that the mountains can show off.

Why do I feel like I should make up some moral lesson about moderation right now?


The Sights You See!

Photo #783: Little FallsLocation Taken: Hurricane Ridge, Olympic National Park, Washington
Time Taken: June 2008

I rode my bike today!

Went along the local bike trail, for about 2.25 miles one way, 4.5 round trip. I stopped at the top of the largest hill along it, after struggling my way up it. That’s where I turned around, for the very simple reason that if I continued, I’d have to climb that hill twice.

But it’s a lovely trail, with all sorts of scenic views. There’s a lovely creek, and a marvelous lake, and all sorts of high-tech industrial buildings and parking lots!

Ok, so it’s also a commuter route. But that didn’t make that lake any less beautiful.

And I saw all sorts of ducks and geese and no less than three rabbits! I had to stop once to encourage a bunch of Canadian Geese to waddle off the trail. Half the group was goslings still in the downy plumage of youth, and their parents were hissing at me at the affront of my wanting to pass. But at least they did move.

There’s also a number of nice bridges along the way. Quite picturesque, I do say. Didn’t see any waterfalls, though. Those are always my favorite thing to find. Though there was this one overgrown area where I did hear what could have been one…


A Glamourous Photo of a Not-so-glamourous Subject

Photo #782: Rotting StumpLocation Taken: Hoh Rainforest, Olympic National Park, Washington
Time Taken: June 2008

You know, I should stop writing these right before I go to bed. I’m usually too tired to think of a decent post at that time, and I keep procrastinating on stuff.

Like uploading more photos to my computer. I’ve got hundreds on my camera, going back over a year ago, but I still haven’t gotten around to it.

Maybe if I talk about it, I’ll remember to do it… Nah, what’s the chance of that?

Besides, I have plenty of photos of, um, rotting stumps! Yeah, I can post those!