Just look at that mountain!

Photo #736: Pretty LakeLocation Taken: Lake Louise, Banff National Park, Alberta
Time Taken: June 2010

…Yeah, I’m just going to have to pull a “look at the pretty picture!” today. I’ve been up too late, and things are getting complicated.

It is a rather pretty picture, though. Mostly thanks to the subject. Lake Louise frequently tops “prettiest lake in the world” lists for a reason.


I bet they were drunk. Or high school seniors. Or both.

Photo #735: Pelvis '83 GorLocation Taken: Gorham, New Hampshire
Time Taken: July 2012

…This bit of vandalism on the old railway bridge in Gorham is older than I am…

I’m not actually sure what it’s saying. The first word seems to be a name or something equally inscrutable, but the trees grew across the first few letters. And I’m not sure if that’s an I or an E. If it’s an I, the first word is, of all things, “Pelvis”, with possibly a letter or two before the P. Then there’s the ’83, which at least tells me the date. And then the Gor-scribble. It might have been intended to be “Gorham”, but they ran out of space. The bridge ends right beyond the edge of the photograph on that side.

This is a strange world, when people will write “Pelvis ’83 Gor” on a bridge, and no one buffs it out so it’s still visible, 30 years later…


Hidden Glory

Photo #734: Waiting CreaturesLocation Taken: Ruby Beach, Olympic National Park, Washington
Time Taken: June 2008

Tidal pools at low tide have an odd sort of feeling to them. It’s a sense of waiting and increased danger all at the same time.

All the creatures are still. They’ve retreated to safe spots, or perhaps folded up on themselves. All the colorful waving tentacles of the anemones are tucked away in a dull green shell, away from the peering eye of local seabirds. Even the starfish, the top predator at high tide, tucks itself away.

When the tide returns, so will the color and animation. But now, now is a time for waiting.


This is the rare “Queen Mildi’s Delight”, from Mars. Obviously.

Photo #733: Alien PlantLocation Taken: Ruby Beach, Olympic National Park, Washington
Time Taken: June 2008

You know, I haven’t a clue what these are. I don’t even know if those are flowers or berries.

But I’d be darned if you couldn’t just stick these on any “Alien Planet” on any TV show and no one would bat an eye.

I think it’s the odd shapes and pinkish colors to the non-flowery bits. Those always make plants seem otherworldly. Literally.


Why this tree, and no other?!?

Photo #732: Tree BirdsLocation Taken: National Zoo, Washington DC
Time Taken: March 2010

Birds. In a tree. Big birds, even.

They aren’t a local species. They were also right by the bird house at the zoo. So maybe they were zoo birds.

But the tree wasn’t a controlled area. It was just a random tree. But this tree, and only this tree, was full of large birds.