There’s something beautiful about the Universe’s sense of timing…

Photo #731: Seattle ViaductLocation Taken: Seattle, Washington
Time Taken: June 2008

This is my first post I’ve written since I moved out to the Seattle area. It’s also the two-year anniversary of this blog. Lovely coincidence, don’t you think?

I’ve noticed I solidly think of it as moving to the “Seattle area” rather than moving to “Washington”. Probably because my brain definitively associates the name Washington with Washington DC.

There’s a lovely coincidence between those two names that goes deeper than you’d think. Washington was actually the second choice name for the state. The area had long been called after the major river that forms the southern border of the current state, but the name was already in use in the country and they feared confusion.

The river? The Columbia. The place using the name? The District of Columbia.

It was only a decade or two after Washington became a state before the Federal Capital (The District of Columbia) and the city around it (Washington) grew close enough that people started just calling the area Washington DC. I hope there were a few of the people who named the state around to properly appreciate the irony.


The End of One Time, the Start of Another

Photo #730: New SunsetLocation Taken: Trout River, Newfoundland
Time Taken: July 2012

Something about sunrises makes me think of new beginnings. The light spreading across the land, the opening of flowers, the coming of the day’s warmth. It’s one of those precio-

No, wait, this is a sunset.

Eh, close enough. Yadda yadda new opportunities and stuff.


Flying Free

Photo #728: Caged BirdLocation Taken: National Zoo, Washington DC
Time Taken: March 2010

At the point when this post goes live, I will be most of the way through a cross-country journey, permanently moving from the East Coast to the West.

It is time for a new beginning.

I loosen my safety nets so that I may fly free.