Flowers. Tall Ones. Yup.

Photo #588: Tall FlowersLocation Taken: Readfield, Wisconsin
Time Taken: June 2012

Yup. Flowers. Yup.

I feel like I should say something about how all those out-of-focus flowers with their long vertical streaks works really well for the composition, but nope. Not going to.

Flowers. Yup.


As the Sky meets the Land – and takes it out for dinner and a movie

Photo #587: Mingling CloudsLocation Taken: British Columbia
Time Taken: June 2010

There are corners of this world where the land touches the sky. And then there are places where the sky comes down and joins with the land. The clouds seep out of the sky and mingle with the trees and the valleys.

These also tend to be some of the wettest parts of the planet, not counting the oceans. Something to do with all those clouds and whatnot.


Are You Viewing the Mountain, or is the Mountain Viewing YOU?!

Photo #586: Mountain ViewLocation Taken: Above Banff, Alberta
Time Taken: June 2010

Sometimes you just feel like a mountain. Today is one of those times.

No, no, feel like VIEWING a mountain! That’s what I mean! Really!

(I’m totally sedimentary, man.)

When we first entered the Canadian Rockies on this long cross-country trip, one of the first things we did was take the closest exit and drive up a winding mountain road. The view was, of course, fantastic.

We stopped when we bumped into the mountain sheep, and again when we saw the bear. Not that I got close enough for decent photos, mind you. Don’t mess with wildlife, not even for photographic gold.

Instead, well, mountain photos! Enjoy!


A Look at a Past Example of my Soul

Photo #585: Self 2006Time Drawn: 2006

Throughout high school and college, I had a habit of drawing a self portrait every year. It was mainly because I wanted to see how my art was improving, but hey, what’s wrong with some healthy narcissism?

…I haven’t made another self portrait in years, now that I think of it. I had a serious (aka years-long) bout of artist’s block that kinda got in the way. At least I took up digital photography during that time, so I wasn’t living an art deprived life.

This one I made to include some elements representing my personality. There’s the Japanese gate in the back, since I like Japanese culture. There’s a gnome under that tree, since I like fantasy. It’s snowy because I like winter. And so on.

The outfit I have on here is largely made up. I’ve never owned a purple shirt like that, and that beaded necklace doesn’t exit. Though I could make it if I so chose. It’s a feasible design, and I like beading as well.

…That’s another thing I haven’t done in ages, beading. I haven’t even shown off any of my beadwork here. But then, that’s mainly because I don’t have anything even vaguely resembling a good workspace for beading, and pulling out my supplies takes forever…

The blue coat, on the other hand, that actually existed. It was a simple coat I made, came down to about knee level. Used to wear it a lot in the fall and spring. I haven’t thought about it in years, but I used to love that coat.

…I wonder what happened to it. It probably wore out in some fashion or another, since that’s usually what it takes for me to stop wearing a piece of clothing. Maybe I should make another one along the same lines at some point…


I like Short Walks on the Beach – from the Campsite to the Water, of course

Photo #584: Beach WatchingLocation Taken: Agawa Bay, Lake Superior Provincial Park, Ontario
Time Taken: June 2010

Ahh… The first Saturday in months where I’m not brain dead from a long day of work.

So of course I’m brain dead from not really getting any sleep due to the ear infection I picked up.

At least my strong immune system can burn out ear infections in a day or so. Now if only it was a day that wasn’t filled with nasty headaches and high levels of light, sound, AND motion sensitivity that make doing just about anything rather painful.

Ah well, at least I didn’t have to work with that going on.

So I shall post a calming photo today.

I really recommend camping along a beach. I’d say “especially northern beaches” except I’m not really recalling camping along any southern ones at any point. So I can’t really compare the two fairly. Though I do think the northern beaches have the slight advantage that you can camp right along the sand and NOT have your view obstructed by hordes of swimmers every single summer day.

Instead, you get long sunsets and gorgeous scenery. And if you’re brave enough (or own a wetsuit), you can have the swimming grounds all to yourself! The water only feels chilly for a bit, and then you adjust and it’s marvelous! Either that or you have hypothermia. One of the two.