The bricks hold on as long as they can, but tumble they will…

Photo #533: RuinsLocation Taken: Savage, Maryland
Time Taken: April 2012

I’m not entirely sure why, but while my body’s mostly recovered from the awful weather this last weekend, my brain still seems full of holes. Well, at least occasionally. Sometimes I’m doing just fine, other times I try to access some odd tidbit of information and the whole thing falls in ruin.

So I’m alternating between just saying I don’t have anything to say and trying to make a whole big long post about how buildings fall into ruin so quickly after we stop using them.

Which, since half of what I was going to say for the latter fell out of one of those holes in the brain, seems like it is going to get decided for the former option.


Would you just LOOK at this Magenta?!?

Photo #532: Magenta FlowerLocation Taken: Savage, Maryland
Time Taken: August 2008

Such lovely magenta flowers, aren’t they?

It’s such an odd color, magenta. So bright and vibrant, certainly catches the eye doesn’t it?

There’s one strong oddity about magenta. Look at a color wheel and it’s easy to find, sitting nicely between red and violet just where it belongs. But look at the visible spectrum of light and it’s nowhere to be found. On the other side of red from orange is infrared, and violet has ultraviolet. Both are invisible to our eyes, and neither is magenta.

So, then, what IS magenta? Well, all colors are just a set of wavelengths filtered through our brain, and sometimes the brain has to chose between several very different types of light and come up with a way to show it to us. Put together a violet wavelength and a red wavelength, and our brains just kinda toss them together, call them magenta, and call it a day.

Yellow’s another oddball one. Light works as what’s called additive colors, where when you mix together all the colors you get white. (Paint works the opposite way, with mixing leading to black.) Red and Blue makes magenta, which makes sense, as does blue and green making cyan. But then you get to the third of the trio. Red and Green mixed together make Yellow. Now, the green kinda makes sense. We’re used to mixing yellow and blue paints together to get green, after all. But red? Really? There’s nothing inherently Yellow about Red. And yet, every single patch of yellow you’re seeing on your computer screen is actually just a mix of red and green light, so it works somehow.

The brain needs to process a lot of data and make it simple to understand somehow, so I guess inventing strange colors to deal with a grab-bag of wavelengths makes as much sense as any other option.

I have noticed that the oddball colors like magenta and yellow tend to look more vibrant to us. It’s probably related, where our brain’s just having a minor freakout about the color and going “Would you look at this mix!?! What am I supposed to do with this!? Seriously, just look at it!”


Just imagine the treehouse you could build in that thing!

Photo #531: Ten Story TreeLocation Taken: Skihist Provincial Park, British Columbia
Time Taken: June 2010

One of my major signs that I overdid it is that my memory starts getting odd gaps in it.

For instance, I…

I forgot what I was going to say there, so let’s use that.

On the other hand, I can remember that the tiny little Provincial Park I was camping at when I took this photo is called Skihist. And I could point to it on a map of the world within 10 seconds.

I’m also getting the occasional odd illusion, and my brain is having a much tougher time dispelling them. I keep seeing this as either a tree in front of a nearby hill, or a really really big tree on top of a mountain. If you look closely, you can see that it’s a nearby tree superimposed in front of a distant mountain. It’s just that both the tree and mountain are deep in shadow, so the lower boughs blend in.

And yet, my brain is highly amused by the thought of a ten-story tall tree, so it keeps veering towards that…


We’re living in the moment, unheedful of the future, forgetful of the past…

Photo #530: Truro GullsLocation Taken: Truro, Nova Scotia
Time Taken: July 2012

…Ok, this overly-hot weekend has definitely fried my brain. I had a nice blog concept about the history of ice harvesting, with a photo chosen and everything. And then I started the necessary fact-checking research and forgot what all I wanted to say there.

So have a lovely picture of the Salmon River and one of the large beaches along its shores during low tide. There’s even some happy sea gulls pecking through the sands. They better move fast, though. That wave coming up the river behind them is a tidal bore and this beach is going to be underwater in minutes. Seriously, this whole stretch of sand was covered really quickly and all.  It was quite impressive to watch.

And that was a really boring paragraph compared to my usual style, I think.  I can’t really tell any more.

…And I went from an ice photo to a water photo. It’s not just my brain that’s melting, I guess…


Just one more day, and it’ll be all over, aaaaallll over, hehehe…

Photo #529: Mad SteveTime Drawn: Summer 2013

My brain has melted, don’t mind me. That’s just what happens when you have to work two days in a row outside in 90 degree weather with absurdly high humidity. And, since I sell ices, I was extremely busy too. So my brain is a cute little puddle sloshing around in my skull.

Slosh slosh, slosh slosh.

Which makes it an excellent time to show this piece of artwork!

This was a quick sketch I made while playing around with possible advertising for my Minecraft server of choice, Mental Ward. As you may guess from the name, there’s a tiny insane asylum theme to the server, so a crazy version of a minecraft character just made brilliant sense, as clear as the clearest mud!

Hence the straitjacket, and the blocky head. And the craziness. I really emphasize with the craziness right now.

Especially since this is the one three-day weekend of the festival, so I have to work tomorrow . And the weather’s going to be just as bad as the last two days. Yay, fun happy melting times!! *giggles insanely*