It’s too hot to think of a title… Um, Lake Ice Field, um, Thingy?

Photo #482: Lake Ice FieldLocation Taken: Caseville, Michigan
Time Taken: January 2011

The weather’s been far too hot lately, and I’ve been trying a whole bunch of things to keep cool. Well, at least I have been if I have the energy to do it in the first place, which is why I haven’t, say, gone swimming.

Let’s try staring at a photo of ice for a while…

Nope, not any cooler. Darn it.

At least the ice is pretty. Lake Huron, being a freshwater lake in a northern climate, freezes by the shore every so often. The ice can go out hundreds of feet from the coastline, and is usually solid enough to walk on when it’s out that far. So there’s been a few times when I’ve gone walking on the lake, like you do.

This photo was taken when I was on the ice, looking down the shoreline, for perspective. That line of taller ice mounds on the edge of the ice marks the edge of the solid ice. Past that the lake is a bit deeper, with the remnants of summer’s heat still keeping it too warm to fully freeze. Small icebergs form, and a slushy layer of ice as well, and both get shoved by the waves into those mounds.

Ah, talking about ice is working on cooling me down a little.

Or maybe it’s just that it’s a few hours past sunset, and the weather is actually cooling. Huh…


The Calming Sea

Photo #481: Calming SeaLocation Taken: St. John’s, Newfoundland, Canada
Time Taken: July 2012

I’m much calmer today than yesterday. Time has passed, the minor issues have faded away, and my site is behaving itself once again.

A touch of meditation doesn’t hurt, either.

I don’t meditate regularly, but any time I start to feel overwhelmed by the world, I go someplace calm, either close my eyes or stare at something naturally calming. And then I start focusing on breathing in for a count of seven, holding it for another seven, and then breathing out for a third seven. I don’t specifically try to clear my mind, since that’s the best way to get all sorts of errant thoughts popping up. But focusing on my breathing and how the air feels on my skin and other small incidentals like that tend to work fairly well. Then, once I’m in a peaceful state of mind, I focus my mind on one small point, such as the tip of my nose or the point two fingers are touching or the like. It’s another way to focus on the moment and let go all the worries of the day.

So try it yourself, the next time stress gets to you. Find a calm site, stare at the sea or something. (Sea photo provided for those lacking a nearby source.) And focus on the joy of living this very moment for a little.

I find meditating under a waterfall to be really effective. Well, at least meditating under my best waterfall substitute, the shower. But hey, gotta work with the tools you have, and at least the shower has warm water. Water dripping off my nose makes an excellent focus point, you know.


Problems always come in clumps, don’t they… Or is it just that more things seem like problems then…

Photo #480: Gathering CloudsLocation Taken: Alberta, Canada
Time Taken: June 2010

I’m in a grouchy mood because of a bad League of Legends game. Freaking Brand bursting down my tank Shen in two seconds…

AND the price of the item I’ve been selling on the Guild Wars 2 trading post for large amounts of money fell by a whole silver! A silver! Do you know how much money that is?!?

Well, no, probably not. These are just video games, after all. And you probably don’t play them, or at least not both of them, so it’s all just gobbly-gook to you.

But that doesn’t make my mood any sweeter, especially since that bad League of Legends game lasted longer than I expected and I’m going to have to cheat time in order to make this appear like it was posted on the 14th. I just want to keep my calendar looking nice, ya know.

So to go with my stormy mood, have a gathering storm over the Canadian Prairie.

And my site isn’t connecting properly for me to upload this, throwing out a “the connection has timed out” error. It took me an hour to find a way to connect just to get this post up, working via a proxy. And I’m too cranky and hungry to find a full fix right now. Hopefully it’s not affecting too many of my readers, and hopefully the problem will just go away on its own, and most of all, hopefully this method works…


And the Heavens opened up, and the Rain came down upon their Heads.

Photo #479: Glorious StormLocation Taken: Northeastern Wyoming
Time Taken: June 2010

We’ve been getting a lot of rain lately, and today was no exception.  Right before sunset a storm came through, and the sky filled with a brilliant dim red glow from the combination.  Everything was lit up, and the rain came down strong.

So I wandered outside and stood in it for a minute.

It’s been a while since I did that, just go out in a storm with no care for how wet I’ll get.  I didn’t even bother to put on shoes.

It was glorious.

So here’s a glorious photo of storm clouds to go along with the storm today.