Hmm, no pictures of Millet, but I want to talk about it. Here’s some Grass! Yay!

Photo #376: Seeding GrassLocation Taken: Gros Morne National Park, Newfoundland, Canada
Time Taken: July 2012

I tried millet today.

It’s a small yellow grain, nice and round. Tastes something like quinoa, but without the bitter overtones that make me not care for that trendy grain. I picked up a small amount of it, less than a dollar’s worth, from the bulk food section at the grocery store. And I tossed a bit of it in with the rice I cooked up for dinner, for added flavor and texture. It provided both quite nicely, and is really quite cheap, so I think I shall continue doing so for future meals.

Millet is usually known as peasant food, low grade but nutritious. It grows rather easily in poor soil, especially in the drier conditions found in some of the poorest areas of the world. It is a popular crop in much of the area of Africa just below the Sahara desert, for instance. It was also a very important crop a long time ago, as civilization was first getting started. The large seeds of modern wheat and rice hadn’t been breed into those species yet, and the wider range of places millet can grow made it a valuable crop under more primitive agricultural rules. But, as farming became more established and crop lines were developed, millet fell by the wayside in developed countries with good food transportation systems. There is little need to eat millet when tastier rice is available, after all.

Well, unless you’re like me and like expanding out your diet to include as many interesting fruits, vegetables, and grains as possible.

These days, in the US, millet is primarily used for bird seed, along with a host of other grains that likewise fell to the wayside under the might of wheat and rice. That’s where I first encountered it, when putting out seed for the birds as a little kid.

…I may have also tried the seed then too. And found it actually rather tasty…



Photo #373: CheeseLocation Taken: Unionstar Cheese, Zittau, Wisconsin
Time Taken: June 2012

I think I shall dedicate today to cheese.

Yes, cheese, that most noble of rotten foods!

There are many cheeses, good and bad. And, of course, many in between, such as what you find in a standard grocery store.

The bad cheeses I have had were largely due to my own personal preferences not matching the cheese. I find brie too soft and not that pleasant taste-wise, but my Mom loves the stuff.

And then there’s the cheeses I’m allergic to. Well, more specifically I’m allergic to the holes in cheese. Every single cheese I’ve tried that has the characteristic holes best known in Swiss Cheese has given me a nasty headache. Really, I suspect I’m allergic to the remnants of the specific bacteria that produces the holes, but it’s far more amusing to say I’m allergic to the holes in cheese.

The good cheeses… Oh, how fabulous are they!

I’ve only had my absolute favorite cheese twice in my life. It’s a Colby cheese with bacon. The bacon smooths out the harsher flavors of the Colby into a marvel on the tongue, and well, bacon is good in its own right. I’ve only found it at a specific cheese shop in Wisconsin, Unionstar, located not too far from the cemetery some of my great-grandparents are buried in. If you’ve ever heard about Wisconsin and its cheese, the tales are all true. It is marvelous stuff. Nay, stuff is too generic a term, it is marvel itself!

And that same place sells Chocolate Cheese, a fudgy cheese filled with chocolate. It is my second favorite cheese in the world, and better than the finest chocolate I have had elsewhere.

Ahhhh… Cheeeeesssseee…


Happy Happy Dog in Happy Happy Snow

Photo #372: Happy Dog In SnowLocation Taken: Arcadia, Michigan
Time Taken: January 2011

You ever look at something and get a sing-song about it stuck in your head?

Yeah, I’ve “Happy dog in snow-snow” on repeat right now…

And to be fair, this is a happy dog, and he is in snow.

But it is kinda making it impossible to concentrate on anything else right now, so I’m going to post this and hope that makes it fade…

Happy happy dog-dog, happy-happy snow-snow, happy dog in happy snow, happy happy dog…

And now happy doesn’t look like a word any more.  Or even sound like one. Joys.