Silly Sibling, Stop Manipulating Size!

Location Taken: Columbia, Maryland
Time Taken: July 2008

This is my sister. Isn’t she cute?

I took this on a shopping trip at one of the local grocery stores. Said grocery store has little carts for the kids. My sister, being about as silly as I am, decided to use one. They also sell very tiny things of ice cream for those who just want a bit of it. Thus, a photo was born.

My sister and I get along very well. We did have a touch of sibling rivalry at first. But well, I was a two-year-old and she was a baby. She was quite thoroughly winning in the cuteness department. So I gave up. Rather than be jealous of this adorable little wiggly thing the parents brought home one day, I decided to be a proper big sister and tease her mercilessly for the next 24+ years – um, I mean, try not to compete with her in everything. We developed our skills in parallel in many ways. She took the social stuff, I took everything else. Ok, that’s a bit of an exaggeration, but then, I’m an artist who loves science, and she’s working on becoming a psychologist. Where one of us couldn’t handle something, the other one would step up. We were friends growing up, even in the teenage years, and are still friends to this day, even if she decided to move thousands of miles away to the Seattle area for school. Yay for the internet letting us chat frequently!

Well, as frequent as any two people with social phobia will. Which means I pester her at least once a week. Ah well, can’t ask for everything.

By the way, she’s as weird as example of humanity as I am, so beware! She’s vicious! And still cute!

I tend to call her my sibling, actually. Largely because it suits her better than “sister” does (neither of us follow standard gender roles that well), though partly just for amusement’s sake. And well, we WERE in the same fraternity in college (co-ed service frat, but still…), so we can count each other as brothers too! So sibling makes sense!



Silly Sibling, Stop Manipulating Size! — 3 Comments

  1. I recognize the place as the Harris Teeter grocery store in Columbia, but I wonder about the time. When you and your sister attended college, you often kept a late schedule, eating at midnight at the Steak ‘n Shake instead of at regular hours at the dormitory cafeteria. You kept that lateness upon returning home. The new Harris Teeter was the only local grocery store open at 1am, when you two would head out grocery shopping.

    Now the Harris Teeter is not so new, and the nearby Weis changed to 24-hour service, too.

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