She’s not Demonic, that’s just some Red Eye from the camera- I think…

Photo #334: Watched CookiesLocation Taken: Valparaiso, Indiana
Time Taken: January 2007

Do you ever feel… watched?

I certainly was, whenever I went to the small snack bar in the Student Union at my college. Well, at least during the short time when my sister was working there, and I was pestering her.

That’s her, in case you couldn’t tell. Yes, that’s a neon camouflage fleece hat. My sister has awesome hats.

And the cookies they sold were rather large, and sold rather well.

Not that I ever tried them, though. My dad bakes chocolate chip cookies using a really good family recipe at least once a week, and has done so for well over a decade, probably approaching two at this point. And this isn’t some tiny batch, either, this is several dozen cookies. He takes them to church, and to gaming sessions, and to meetings at work. It’s mainly because he likes baking, and finds it relaxing, and the people who get the cookies certainly don’t complain about helping him take care of the excess baked goods.

But what this meant was that I had a few really good, fresh baked chocolate chip cookies every week for years. Just a few, though, since I’d feel icky after eating more that three or so.

I didn’t learn that I was full out allergic to chocolate until I was at college. I can still eat it, mind you, I just have to keep the quantity I eat really low so I don’t get that bad of a headache.

To this day, I don’t really care for cookies. After eating fresh baked cookies for years, any that aren’t homemade taste like the preservatives the stores have to use to keep them fresh while waiting for someone to buy them. And any fresh-baked ones still make me feel a little off, even if they don’t contain chocolate, just because I still sub-consciously expect that to happen. It’s very tragic, really.

I can still eat raw cookie dough just fine though. And I still occasionally snitch some of the cookie dough Dad mixes up, if I spot him mixing it in that key time right before he adds the chocolate chips. It’s quite tasty then.



She’s not Demonic, that’s just some Red Eye from the camera- I think… — 4 Comments

  1. Neon camouflage–in what environment is neon orange a camouflage color?

    It is a shame about my chocolate-chip cookies: your mother avoids them because of her low-carbohydrate diet, your sister would avoid them because of her lactose intolerance, and you avoid them because of your chocolate allergy. Should I bake some peanut-butter oatmeal cookies instead?

    • Did you know that there are vegan chocolate chips? Loki made some chocolate chip cookies just yesterday that I could eat without pain. It tastes mostly the same too, though I don’t know what is in it.

      • At some point I should get some recipes from Loki. Not because I’ve turned vegan, mind you, but because I like good food no matter what tradition it comes from.

        That and making cookies that don’t make my sister go ow is a good thing.

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