How Much is That Canyon in the Window? The One with the Waggly… Rocks?

Photo #555: Cute CanyonLocation Taken: South of Thermopolis, Wyoming
Time Taken: November 2012

Can I have a pet canyon?!

I promise, I’d feed it every day! It doesn’t eat anything anyway, so it’s really easy!

And, and I’ll clean up after it! Every single landslide, I promise!

I’ll take it for walks, too! As soon as I find a leash that fits!  And figure out if canyons can do anything resembling walking!

And I’ll build a canyon-house for it! It’ll take up half the neighborhood, but the neighbors won’t mind, I promise!

Just look at it, isn’t it sooooo cute!?! How can you look into those eyes- I mean, crevices, and say no?! Isn’t it just the most adorable canyon you’ve ever seen?




How Much is That Canyon in the Window? The One with the Waggly… Rocks? — 1 Comment

  1. I’m so sorry, Yes, it’s adorable, but it’s far too wet here for it to be happy. Wild canyons should be left free to wander where they will. You’ll just have to spend more time with our little mini-gorge in the park.

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