It’s that place again! You know, the one with the water and clouds!

Photo #577: Pretty PhotoLocation Taken: um… Canada.  The flat part.
Time Taken: June 2010.  I can look that one up.

Yeah, I hate doing it, but my brain’s refusing to come up with anything even vaguely resembling a thought.

So yay pretty photo time!  It’s a sister photo to another one I’ve posted, but you know what, with how gorgeous this particular sunset was, it was tough NOT to get a good photo.

And I think I’ll end this now before my brain completely forgets how to grammar…



It’s that place again! You know, the one with the water and clouds! — 3 Comments

  1. Your mother and I could not remember the name immediately either. But I remembered the location and looked for a provincial park there: Spruce Woods Provincial Park, Manitoba, Canada.

    • Yup, I knew where it was located and could have easily found it with a one-minute search. But my brain was being too non-existent to cooperate with even that much “real work”…

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