A Crack! A Gap! A (checks thesaurus) Rift! A Fissure! A Fracture!

Photo #617: Rock CrackLocation Taken: Ithaca, New York
Time Taken: March 2010

Darn it! I just noticed that this isn’t my 617th post, like the file number says, it’s only my 614th! There’s a gap in my files!

Apparently at two different times in the past, I’ve messed up the simple task of naming my organizational files with the number right after the last one. I skipped from post 296 to post 298, and then later from post 386 to post 389. I didn’t skip any days, just had…

Wait, I have an image file for post 297, but not the text file. *check check check* Aaaah, that was the day right after my old computer died. And I don’t have a copy of the text for that in my files. I must have just missed saving it in all the hullabaloo. *fixes*

…Wait, I’m still down 3 posts, now where’s the last one…

No wait, mental math error, I’m fine. Was counting off of the number of files in my “writing organizer” folder, and didn’t correct it for actually adding another in. Thank goodness for the “page up” key, though. That let me check my posts 20 at a time so I didn’t have to read the numbers of more than 600 posts to find what was missing.

Really wonder what happened with posts #387 and #388, though… Unlike 297, nothing big happened around then. It was a fairly boring April, all told. And yet, my brain blipped and skipped some posts.

…Of course, this means my (mostly personal) celebrations of hitting posts #400, #500, and #600 were actually two days premature. Now do I want to just accept the misnumbering and continue on as I have been doing, with the nagging feeling of it not matching up with me the whole time. Or I could go back and change the numbering on nearly 700 files (one for writing, two for photos), which would take a very long time to do. Or do I mess up my organizational tactic by just naming two random days #387 and #388 to fill in the gap…

Such a tough decision… At least option #1 is essentially the “don’t make a decision” decision, so I’ll stick with it for a little… Of course, doing that just makes option #2 all that tougher if I decide to do that in the future…



A Crack! A Gap! A (checks thesaurus) Rift! A Fissure! A Fracture! — 1 Comment

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