I could say something about how Brontosauri never existed, but everyone knows that…

Photo #660: Tall DinoLocation Taken: American Museum of Natural History, New York City
Time Taken: June 2007

You know, some days I just don’t feel like posting. I’m just looking through folders of photos I’ve seen literally hundreds of times before, trying to find one that will give me a topic. Nothing overly interesting will have happened to me, nor will I have learned any new tidbit I want to pass on, and then, my last hope, finding a photo with a story to tell, falls through.

However, I also know how irritating it can be to see blogs or webcomics or what not fail to update, or worse, have the creator just vanish entirely. It’s also annoying to have the “Sorry for not posting for so long…” updates. So I shall trudge through and come up with something to say. Maybe even something self-referential, such as explaining why I don’t have any real topic written that day.

And then I’ll just put some random photo on top, one that caught my eye in the photo trawling, even if it wasn’t so kind to give me something to write about.

Maybe a dinosaur.

Everyone likes dinosaurs, right?

And then, of course, I’ll come up with a vague glimmer of an idea (maybe based around the books on dinosaurs I’ve read, or a random factoid such as that T. Rex lived closer in time to humans than to stegosauruses, and yet we humans put both into the same image all the time, isn’t that crazy), but I’ll have already written a full post and I’m lazy enough to not want to toss out what I just did. And then I’ll shrug and post the lazy post and file away the idea for another time.



I could say something about how Brontosauri never existed, but everyone knows that… — 2 Comments

    • Sure! Now I just need to find some more dinosaurs to photograph. Where are you dinosaurs, come on out and pose for the camera…

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