Scratching The Tiny Pains of Life

Photo #761: Undignified Red PandaLocation Taken: National Zoo, Washington DC
Time Taken: March 2010

Ah, I do believe you have a smudge on your screen. Just a little one, some speckle from who knows where. I’m sure you know which one I’m referring too.

Annoying, isn’t it?  The way it’s always there, ever so slightly degrading the quality of what you’re looking at. Just this odd little itch that doesn’t seem worth scratching. And if you clean it off with anything but the best tools for the job, well, you’ll just end up with a larger smudge. But really, do you want to break out all those special cleaning fluids and cloths just for that tiny smudge?

Don’t worry, I know a place that can help!

You’ll find all you need to know at this site!

They are the best in the business at over-the-internet screen cleaning, I assure you!



Scratching The Tiny Pains of Life — 2 Comments

  1. Oh, no, I’ve been lickrolled!

    The dogs here miss you. Revel spends his time sleeping and Kerowyn barks at the neighbors.

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